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2020-10-13 来源:桦陀教育

求职信的概念,就跟推销相像,目的都是要引起顾客兴趣,到达成功推销之效果。在一些外贸公司,最好是用英语求职信,下面了两篇会计求职信英语翻译给大家作为参考。 Dear Sir,

I would like to ask you to consider my qualification for the position in sales that you advertised in last week's newspaper.

I graduated from the College of business in June of 1986. Since that time I have been taking night courses at

Polytechnics in Sales Techniques and Mass Media Advertising. I have worked as a vehicle salesman for the Ford Co. for the past three years. At present I am their chief salesman and aount for over one half of the sales. Before my present employment, I worked for the Chains Department Store as a salesclerk in the electrical appliance section. We worked mainly on mission and I was able to earn a substantial amount although I was very young.

I would like to make a change now because I feel that I can go no further in my present job, I feel that my ability and my training should enable me to advance into a better and more responsible position, and it appears that this will not be forthing at my present position.

If you would like to know more about my ability, I can be available for an interview at any time convenient to you. Sincerely yours, 英语求职信带翻译: 敬启者:



过去三年,在威廉福特公司担任汽车推销员、目前担任该公司销售主任,已有一年半之久。担任此职前,曾在澄士百货公司推销电器,以赚取佣金。虽然我仍年青,但自感有能力赚取实际利润。 自感目前工作开展不大,拟改变一下目前工作环境,故自信个人能力和所受训练,似应获得较佳之工作。就我目前工作,将来无多大开展前途。

倘假设阁下愿意接见本人以了解我的能力,我将随时候教 Bank personal cover letter

Hello. The bank has been a good image in the social reputation, I am about to graduate, if there is a chance is willing to your pany can effect a modest! My name is XXX, graduated from the China University of Mining and Technology, was studying financial management specialty. The following is my personal letter of introduction.

I to your bank for some basic understanding. As a newer students finish their studies, I have the confidence to aept the social test and the challenge from its own. During my college study hard, strict demands on themselves, respect for teachers, and actively participate in various activities organized by the school. On weekdays, and teachers and students live together in peace together. In English, passed Band Four six examination. I know, the bank clerk is the need to have a strong sense of responsibility, practice. Therefore, in school period, I tried a different practice and work. I do Secretary, did the promotion, has made the family, worked as a waitress, different oupation has given me a different experience let me gradually from a silly little girl into an independent thinking, problem solving skill and teamwork spirit. In order to remain invincible in the work, do a better job.

I hope to go to your bank to work, to learn the theory of bination of knowledge and practice, so that their life can have a qualitative leap. I believe that your bank is whole image, management mode, working atmosphere will be more attractive to me in my mind, is the pursuit of the ideals and goals.

We enclosed a copy of my resume, hope to be able to notice will have the opportunity to meet.

Sincerely yours Salute


您好!贵银行一直以良好形象在社会上享有美誉,我即将毕业,如果有时机的话很愿意能为贵公司效一份微薄之力!我叫XXX,毕业于XX大学,学习的是财务管理专业。以下是我个人求职信的内容介绍。 我对贵银行进行了一些根本的了解。作为一名将结束学业初入职场的学生,我有信心接受社会的考验和自身的挑战。我在校期间学习努力认真,严格要求自己,尊敬师长,积极参加学校组织的各类活动。平日里,与老师同学和睦相处。在英语方面,通过了四六级的考试。我深知,银行职员是需要有强烈的责任感的,实践出真知。因此,在学校期间,我尝试了不同的实习与工作。我做过店员,做过促销,做过家教,做过效劳员等,不同的职业给予我不同的经历让我渐渐从一个懵懂的小女孩转变成为了一个具有独立思考、解决问题的能力和团结协作精神。以求在工作中立于不败之地,更好地做好工作。 我很希望能到贵银行去工作,使自己所学的理论知识与实践相结合,让自己的人生能有一个质的飞跃。我相信贵银行的整体形象,管理方式,工作气氛会更加吸引我,是我心目中所追求的理想目标。 随函附寄简历表一份,望能通知能否有时机见面。 模板,内容仅供参考

