专利名称:Method for remote control of electrical
equipment and corresponding receiver
发明人:RIGAL, MICHEL申请号:EP85400180.7申请日:19850204公开号:EP0152341B1公开日:19880518
摘要:1. Process for the remote control of electrical equipments, wherein : A) in atransmission centre : - there is formed a digital signal corresponding to a function to beremote controlled, this signal is encoded by at least one error detecting and correctingcode, the analog signal is modulated by the encoded digital signal and the modulatedsignal is transmitted to equipments to be remote controlled ; B) in receiving meansassociated with each of the equipments : - the transmitted signal is received, it isdemodulated, the demodulated signal is decoded in order to retrieve the digital signalcorresponding to the function to be remote controlled and a command for the executionof this function is generated, this process being characterized in that : A) in the
transmission centre : - the digital signal is formed by an address word (A) and a functionword (F), - this signal is successively processed by two error detecting and correctingcodes, a first BCH code and a second REED-MULLER code, - a synchronization word (MS) ismade to precede the doubly encoded signal, the synchronization word - address word -function word together forming a digital frame, - this frame is repeated cyclically, - eachdigital frame modulates a subcarrier (SP) with a phase shift modulation, - this subcarrier(SP) thus modulated is used in order to modulate the frequency of a carrier which is then
radio transmitted by a frequency modulation radio transmitter ; B) in each receiver, - thetransmitted signal is picked up by a tuned filter (10) coupled to an electric currentdistribution system (16) supplying the equipment to be remote controlled (50), - afrequency demodulation is carried out in order to retrieve the modulated subcarrier, -the subcarrier is demodulated by a phase shift demodulation in order to retrieve thedigital frame, - the digital frame is processed firstly by recognition of the synchronizationword (MS), then by a first REED-MULLER typ decoding, which enables the possible errorsto be detected and corrected, and then by a second BCH type decoding, which enablesthe residual errors to be detected, and the digital signal is thus retrieved with its addressword (A) and its function word (F), - the address word (A) is decoded, - the receivedaddress is comparied with the receiver's own address, - if the received address and thereceiver's address are the same, the received function word (F) is processed bycomparing it with a plurality of function words stored in the receiver, - the number ofcoincidences between the cyclically received function word and one of the storedfunction words is counted and, when this number reaches a predetermined value, acommand for execution is initiated corresponding to this function in the associatedequipment.
代理机构:Mongrédien, André